Episode 42 - MBSing with Mark Colomb - Podcasting

From the podcast

Fellow Chicago podcast host Mark Colomb comes over to talk shop on podcasting in the Chicago comedy community. Like all of my guests, he is far more experienced and insightful on the topic than I am, but Mark specifically covers what he has put into and gotten out of being a podcast host. Mark's Poor Choices show was the first of its kind in this community and provides an amazing amount of background for so many beloved Chicago performers who continue to play here or have gone on to bigger stages and screens. Mark continues his podcasting endeavors with his fiancée, Mel Evans, on An Hour With Your Ex wherein they challenge each other's taste in film and television. He also talks about how their first date was on the Poor Choices show! He's basically getting a wife out of being the host of a podcast! I truly admire so much of what Mark has accomplished and continues to work on, and his thoughts on his shows and how podcasting provides a basis for more thoughtful conversations are really intriguing.


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