Episode 178 - MBSing with Emily Labbe - Volunteering

From the podcast

Volunteering has been so integral for Emily's life that she didn't realize it was the perfect topic for her to chat about. From the Appalachia Service Project to The Ronald McDonald House, Emily has found causes she can contribute her time and energy to that make people's lives tangibly better. The real story here is about her time with REALITY Theatre, a local group that used the actual experiences of young people to reach school audiences on topic like substance use and bullying. Starting as a student in the program and slowly phasing into running the thing for not enough pay, Emily outlines how she unknowingly racked up thousands of volunteer hours and how bureaucracy, her schooling, and her own actual employment factored into her experience with REALITY.

Emily and MBS in Attend the Tale of Danny Tanner

Thanks to Cards Against Humanity for sponsoring and the continued use of their studios, and thanks to the Chicago Podcast Cooperative for lending a sense of legitimacy to something laced with passion.