Episode 214 - MBSing with Alan Linic - Dungeons & Dragons

From the podcast

If you're looking for a DM, send a DM to Alan Linic. He's only gotten into D&D in the last few years, but his childhood knack of adding environmental elements to every playground game has paid off in spades both as an improviser and a dungeon master. After unloading how the structure of gameplay unfolds, Alan speaks to how he and his friends make D&D a unique adventure each time they convene, the gymnastics he may have to perform if a group is being particularly probing in an area he may not have fleshed out pre-game, and how many of the instincts used in playing D&D and DMing are similar to those used to find the most fun game in an improv set. There's also a long conversation about The Cheesecake Factory for some ungodly reason.

Alan and Tyler's D&D live play and discussion podcast, TL;DM