Jay Olson joins us to talk Texas, Rush, Marriage, Babies, Comedysportz, iO, and MORE. As always Matt Owens and Mark Colomb are your hosts. Subscribe on iTunes and never miss a show http://goo.gl/n7cGm. Next week we will be live at The Del Awards.
We talk to Mike Klasek about his time at Columbia College and being on several different teams. Matt talks about his discman. Remember to send us your sketch so you get it filmed and edited for free.
Jason Chin of Close Quarters, An Improvised Blog, and The Upcoming "Sarah Palin Explains America to You joins us. We talked about everything. As always Matt Owens and Mark Colomb are your hosts. Also listen at the end of the show for the first Poor Choices Show Video Contest. Email us your sketch poorchociesshow@gmail.com
Bill Arnett of 3033 and head of iO Chicago's training center joins us this week. We talk about Theater Strike Force, People of Earth, and maybe changing your name. As always Matt Owens and Mark Colomb are your hosts.